Stop Asking "Did You Get The Vaccine" - Please Respect Our Privacy

Stop Asking "Did You Get The Vaccine"

Constant bombardment with this question!  Workplaces asking if you are vaccinated.  Thankfully most workplaces are giving you the option to not disclose in the U.S..  

Co-worker: "Have you been vaccinated?"

My best friend: "Have you been vaccinated?"

Clients: "Have you been vaccinated?"

Neighbors: "Have you been vaccinated?"

My sister: "Have you been vaccinated?"

Random person on the street (I shit you not): "Have you been vaccinated?"

None of your business! I don't go around asking people to reveal their medical history to random strangers. What the hell happened to the concept of personal integrity?

I really think this is one of the greatest losses that the "pandemic" has provided. People feel entitled to intrude on others' medical history and personal life in general. And they're encouraged to do so both by the state and the media.

It's sick. It's genuinely sick.

I am going to start asking people if they have any STDs when they ask me if I am vaxxed.

Ask them if (female) they have ever had an abortion (male) or paid for abortion it starts getting real uncomfortable.

I’m losing hope. Every single person around me is caving to the pressure. Why can’t they see that we are already living in tyranny? They “are tired of stressing about it.” They are afraid of losing rights so they just do it. That’s insane. I’m very sad about this.

People are so desperate to return to normality that they are willing to jump through any hoop. They don’t realize that this was called the new normal for a reason and they can’t escape it by doing as they are told.

Why not just ignore everyone and move on with our lives. If covid gets worse and non vaxx get hurt we’ll deal with it. If covid gets worse and vaxx doesn’t help against new strain? We’ll deal with it.

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